I'll tell you what I've done. In every single fairy tale we read, I've inserted my secret weapon to combat the notion that a prince will swoop in and magically solve a gal's problems. (Please, I didn't get married until I was 30. I know most "princes" cause more heartache along the way than they are worth.) So, in my version of the fairy tales, before "they lived happily ever after" the princesses go away to college. They study hard and become a doctor or lawyer or nurse or veterinarian, and they meet other princes to make sure that the first prince is really the one they want to marry.
Not much is cuter than listening to Hubby and Boo role-play prince & princess together. From the other room this weekend I overheard Princess Boo tell Prince Hubby that she had to go to college and become a doctor before she could run away with him. In that same play session, I also overheard Prince Hubby asking Princess Boo to rescue him.
My work here is done. For now...