Monday, September 8, 2008

Laid Off = BLISS

I'm seriously getting paid to NOT deal with anything. It's good money, too. I'd like to thank my former boss of a whopping three months who decided that I was no longer worthy of employment. Thanks, former boss lady.

Of course, I am unemployed now. (Minor detail that may freak me out once the severance runs dry.) But it's nice that, being a woman, I can tell random people that I'm a STAY AT HOME MOM (SAHM) versus having to utter the "U" word out loud. I recently updated the forms at Boo's doctor, and next to "Mother's occupation" I proudly wrote SAHM. (Beats writing "I should still have a job but my ex-boss is clueless.")

I think I'm going on week eight without the stress of a daily grind and a place to be bright & early every morning. Money for NOTHING is awesome. Being a SAHM is a cool gig despite the fact that my kid is now in pre-K and not home during the day. Plus, Hubby works from home so I have to listen to him TALK LOUDLY all day long on the phone. (Damn open concept living.) It's odd... the more time I spend at home puttering around and playing on the computer, the more I wonder how I had enough time in the day to be a full-time employee. There's so much to do when you don't work. The possibilities are endless.

Oh, I've been looking for a new job and interviewing some, and I will hopefully find the right place to call my second home soon so I can once again live vicariously through the drama created by others around me.

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