Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fall Festival

It's cooling down at night. The air conditioner is off - hopefully for the season - and when we sleep with the windows open at night, we wake up bundled under a pile of heavy covers surrounding by cats.

Tonight was the kick off of the annual Fall Festival in our small town... You know, cheap rides, silly games, local politicians out shaking hands & kissing babies, fundraising booths for the high school marching band & athletic teams, fresh corn on the cob dripping in butter, walking tacos, and, my personal favorite, homemade carmel corn.

We picked up Boo and her best friend from school this afternoon. I call her Giggles. Boo and Giggles lived it up tonight. They skipped and twirled down the street, spun themselves dizzy on rides, boogied on stage with a local singer, and hugged one another with all the giddiness of two thrilled four-year-olds. Boo loves Giggles. They are upstairs now, curled up in the bottom bunk together like little kittens - freshly bathed, bellies full, and completely worn out.

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