Boo went to the dentist yesterday. She had a great time. I wasn't allowed to stay with her during the examination. (Parents tend to interfere. Who, me???) So I only have her account to go by. They counted her teeth, took pictures of her cheeks, tickled her teeth with a spinning thing and scared the sugar bugs away. Cool.
The good news is, Boo has ZERO cavities and healthy teeth. The bad news is, she is missing a lateral incisor - which we obviously knew - but the x-rays show that she will not have either lateral incisor as an adult. This condition is referred to as "Congenital Missing Lateral Incisors". No one on either side of the family seems to know much about anyone having a similar condition, so it's a bit of a mystery why my beautiful Boo is missing adult teeth.
In the grand scheme of all the possible health problems and conditions a child could have, this is not a big deal. What it means for her is years of orthodontia appointments and creating gaps in her teeth to hold space for eventual implants. The teenage years are hard enough without worrying about having a "different" smile. I hope it doesn't make her smile less because if she's anything like I was as a teenager... well, Lord, help me. And I better start saving for this now. Sigh...
You know to this day I'm missing adult teeth. Mine are in my molars though. I've got to send you a picture of D - he's lost three teeth in three weeks. He's got the goofiest smile you have ever seen right now.
Missing a tooth? Sure. Most people never notice it. I regret never having counted Karen’s molars when I had the chance…. But I will rush home today from work and make everyone in my house display their teeth for me. Open wide and let me count ‘em! Sabine’s youngest here only has three bottom pearly whites, and no one in that family seems to know where it came from either. Maybe it is a sign of genius and grace. (And maybe my niece will get into a fist fight and lose another tooth, thereby making things match.)
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